take my hand and leave with me
Old times make me cry,
because it's so sad,
all things went wrong,
everyone I knew,
leaving slowly in to the fog in to the unknown
open doors of opportunities,
leaving without a goodbye
just gone
not thinking
not feeling
but wanting it
wanting something different
how can we know, how will we know
that's the right thing,
right or wrong feeling
not knowing
but still going
leaving it all behind to begin again
A different life,
but now knowing there isn't a way back
just take my hand and follow me into the fog of love, hate, betrayal, trust
and most of all
new hope
hope for something better
I cry
but not by happieness, even though it's over
because i'm leaving for something better
because it's so sad,
all things went wrong,
everyone I knew,
leaving slowly in to the fog in to the unknown
open doors of opportunities,
leaving without a goodbye
just gone
not thinking
not feeling
but wanting it
wanting something different
how can we know, how will we know
that's the right thing,
right or wrong feeling
not knowing
but still going
leaving it all behind to begin again
A different life,
but now knowing there isn't a way back
just take my hand and follow me into the fog of love, hate, betrayal, trust
and most of all
new hope
hope for something better
I cry
but not by happieness, even though it's over
because i'm leaving for something better