Join the darkside, we have cookies and me

Some days I want to hate you 
other, I wish I didn't see the scars

I know by this picture that you would have expected something different
a whole picture,
a face
I know you did

but this is enough for others
because they wouldn't understand

Thou I see it all in this picture
I see you,
and past

Trough darkness and pain we will walk
hand in hand
just you&me
But not just trough that,
we will walk trough life together
trough happiness and love

you may doubt at life
but don't ever doubt at me
I will stand there
beside you
trough hell
and trough our worst nightmares

It will be cold sometimes and the wind will blow in our faces
trying to stop us
trying to make life worth nothing

dark times will rise
but also sink

It wants us
the darkness wispers our names
down into us it wants,
so that the darkness inside us can rise

sometimes we may fall and loose grip of ground
sometimes we may fail

But remember this:
we will fight,
sometimes for nothing
sometimes for it all
but we will fight and we will, we will succeed

so hold my hand and walk trough life with me
because I love you,
and I will always
love you


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